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Writer's pictureInfinite Geek

Mushin-Ryu Japanese Consulate Demonstration

Mushin-Ryu BANZAI!!!!!!!!

Oh boy here we go not even a full month in and we had our 1st demonstration of the year. As of writing this, it was surreal to think that our dojo had the opportunity to perform in this manner 4 years ago.

I remember my 1st time getting on this journey of Mushin-Ryu being stiff as a stick. Even today I still feel like that. But alas progress and growth took precedence!

The Day has Come!

So it all started at the dojo on a bright and sunny Sunday morning. I remembered waking up early excited to perform at the demonstration. It's not every day that anyone gets to perform at the General consulates house.

But deep down inside I know that the excitement is hiding the nervousness of messing up at the demonstration.

Preparation at the Dojo

At the dojo Sensei Franky, Cindy, Eileen, Arnaud, Dean and I were preparing/rehearsing our roles for the demonstration event. At that point, we were going through the basic etiquette of starting and ending the demonstration.

Because no matter how we performed we were always meant to end with dignity and grace from Sensei has taught us.

The moment of truth

When we step foot into the General consulates house we were greeted by him. For us, it was our 1st time meeting them other it was a familiar sight however it was rather zen to enter the house.

Stepping into the place I can vividly remember a group of kids gathering around a lady wearing a yukata instructing them to make an origami crane. But when they announced that students from Mushinkan Academy arrived the time had come to perform. As you can see from the video below,


Just as fast as we performed it ended quickly. We were resting in the foyer after the demonstrations and we were whispering our reactions after the event. It was a fun experience. Just to commemorate the event we took a picture with all of the kids and Japanese consulate representatives.

So with all of that over what did we do we celebrated our victory against our doubts and fears!

Until the next post, I'll see you guys in the next post take care and stay safe.

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